Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ya'll Want Some Sonic?

Wow. That is basically all that comes to mind when I think about my time in Flagstaff, Arizona. But here I go trying to formulate 10 days of great memories into a couple of paragraphs..

So, as every story starts, I get off the plane and go to baggage claim and meet whoever is picking me up. Except, plot twist, this airport is SO small, that I have to walk outside to get off the plane, and the chapter members are waiting for me right when I walk back in the door all wearing matching t-shirts and walk me to baggage claim themselves. How catchy.

I have quickly come to realize that there is this moment when you feel like you've really bonded with the sisters. Well, this visit that moment came pretty quick. About 3 minutes into the car ride from the airport, we had already starting a list of about 12 restaurants (see below) that they wanted to take me to in my 10 days here. And yes, we did complete all of that.. And then some. They might have sized me up a bit, and said I wasn't the stereotypical blonde Southern high-maintenance sorority girl they were expecting, so luckily, I was invited to stay awhile. We headed straight for restaurant number one we wanted to check off the list, and we never looked back.

If you know me, you know one of my favorite things in the world is a Sonic Strawberry Limeade, and I'm more than happy to say I got 5 of these during my stay. Epsilon Xi, I like your style. Not to mention the multiple trips to Chipotle..

Lumber Yard
Fratelli's Pizza
Diablo burgers
Big Foot BBQ

So, arriving on campus (which is basically App State on the other side of the country) they said that they have a situation different than many other chapters, and that they all live in a dorm and each sorority has its own wing. Ohhh, never heard of that one before ;)

After walking into the dorm during Spirit Week, I met the chapter and they asked the normal questions of what positions I had, where I went to school *somebody in crowd asks if we are the team that beat Michigan*, where I grew up, how long I'm there for, and maybe to say a couple different words since they don't get to hear somebody with an accent everyday.

I got to truly experience all that Flagstaff has to over by my three roommates/ tour guides/ power suite dwellers. 2 chainz, El Presidente, and Katie, thanks for loving me way too well, feeding me at all hours of the night // even when I wasn't hungry, and fully embracing the #TreatYourself motto. I'm so happy I got the chance to live with ya'll for 10 days and change your mind about a rando moving into your place!

The more I got to explore, the more I fell in love with this little mountain town. As we all know, I'm a bit biased to the South, and never expected I could love some place so much that is far far away from North Carolina. Although half my times out of the dorm came in the form of a frantic trip to a storage unit or Target, I can always count on Miss Prez to show me around, convince me to take a food detour, and make an incredibly detailed list to make even the most complicated task seem easy.

Recruitment here is 4 separate rounds including Meet the Chapters, Philanthropy, Sisterhood, and Preference. The women worked hard at all hours of the night to make sure their chapter room was decorated to match each individual theme of the day. Like almost all recruitments, the nights were long, and the days were filled with great conversation- which all paid off in the end when Epsilon Xi had 69 women running to their chapter on Bid Day! They had a new Bid Day theme that I had never seen before- Glam Rock- and the sisters really went all out, which made the Alphas become even more excited to join!

Tangent: Another fabulous thing that happened during my time here is something I have been dreaming of. My biological little sister also became my Alpha Delta Pi sister. The entire chapter here cheered when I screamed that she accepted her bid, and that moment was just another reason I fall in love with this sisterhood more and more each day.

Ok back to Arizona: To top off all the great things that happened in the past week, we decided to wake up (at 3:30 in the morning) and go watch the sunrise at the Grand Canyon. If you haven't ever seen it before, stop reading this write now and go make it your number one thing to do on your bucket list. You won't think it is the best idea when you pile in the car at 4 am, but trust me, you won't regret it once you get out there. I thought you would be able to basically drive up next to it and look right over the ledge, but no. There is no signs saying 'huge hole ahead' or anything of that sort.. Just signs for the free Wi-Fi. Just look for the official-looking people with the big backpacks and they will point you in the right direction.

Epsilon Xi, you showed this LC the true meaning of Living for Each Other, and I will always have a special spot for Flagstaff, Mountain View, and the your chapter in my heart. I will always remember Timothy and his 5 years of service, Taco Bell apparently closing at midnight, and the delirium that sets in after a mixture of 5 espresso shots and 24+ hours with no sleep. Until next time, Flagstaff.

Lots of Love from Arizona,

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