Well, ya'll, the time is here! Or really.. The time was here (sorry I'm a little late).
I had my first official task as a Leadership Consultant!
This journey has been a long time comin', just ask any of my chapter sisters- I have been dreaming of having the honor to be a consultant basically since day 1 in Alpha Delta Pi. I'm happy to say that this journey has finally begun!
Being my first conference for ADPi other than DLC, I was excited to see our sisterhood on a larger scale. Atlanta has always been a city I have loved and wanted to live in, so getting to spend a week there was just an added bonus! The facilitators for Leadership Seminar clearly put hours of work into both Adelphean Compass and Impact- but I believe their work was well worth it and we will see a lot of positive response from chapters in the coming months.
I could not have imagined a more perfect group of women to work with. From the moment we met, it was like we had grown up together. The nine of us were laughing, taking pictures, sharing about our college towns (God bless Boone), and loving spending time together within an hour of arriving at the hotel. Our roommates for the week were randomly selected; and shout out to my girl Nicole Nunes from Tau (University of Kansas) for being too much fun & a great source of inspiration and constant laughter!
The five days we spent in Atlanta were filled with all sorts of ADPi activities and leadership development! Some of my favorite parts were getting to know past Leadership Consultants, meeting with International Officers, lunch with Grand Council, filming the LC video for this year (& bless the videographer's heart for putting up with us and our constant laughter and retakes), and visiting our Executive Office and Memorial Headquarters (where I will be living soon!).
Another highlight of the weekend was receiving my Violet sister! Much like the big/little diamond program utilized by chapters, we each got a mentor from the previous class of consultants that is going to be our special sister during this year! I was so excited when Kashia Wolfe told me that I was hers- as I had met her back at DLC in March and absolutely fell in love with her spunk, outgoing personality, and love of life!
The week I spent starting off this incredible experience I am about to have was an absolute dream! This girl is officially headin' back to Atlanta for good on July 21st for 3 weeks of training, and then off to somewhere in America (or Canada!) for my first visit on August 11th! Can't wait to see what all is in store for me :)
Lots of love from North Carolina,
You're the cutest Vi! I can't wait to follow along with your adventures this year. And thanks for the special shout out - you da best!